Thursday, March 24, 2011

why to write

the question is why to write-

but before that,i wisely think what to write(as i dont want to get into existentialism ) , should one write a long story of his life or something similar to his life condensing all of his lessons learnt in life . but what use is that to some one, but himself. Should then one write the short stories, full with humor of life escapades, Stories which i would could tell my friend over some casual chat. these stories at least entertain the reader.
But as the reader goes on he will get so tired of the same kinda jokes, then one has to write a tragic story , which is in someway is inspired by people liking less and less of my stories.

But one benefit of writing, that i have found is that i get a insight into a though process of a writer. So when i read a book i may get (or i think at least) what brought upon the author to write the book. What was the initial idea and what made him do all the effort.Reading and writing then becomes one if i want to read i must write.

When i came across certain stories in my life i got so captured by their ideas, emotions . I also thought a story so beautiful must be just lurking outside my imagination waiting for me. So thats why i decided to write this blog so i can gather my thoughts, moreover i develop a capacity to write .